
HSET key field value

This command sets the data for the given field of the hash that is associated with the given key with the given value. If the field already exists in the hash, it is overwritten.

  • If the given key does not exist, an associated hash is created, and the field and value are inserted.
  • If the given key is not associated with a hash, an error is raised.

Return value

Depends on the configuration parameter emulate_redis_responses.

  • If emulate_redis_responses is true, returns 1 if a new field is inserted and 0 if an existing field is updated.
  • If emulate_redis_responses is false, returns OK


  • emulate_redis_responses is true.

    $ HSET yugahash area1 "America"
    $ HSET yugahash area1 "North America"
    $ HGET yugahash area1
    "North America"
  • emulate_redis_responses is false.

    $ HSET yugahash area1 "America"
    $ HSET yugahash area1 "North America"
    $ HGET yugahash area1
    "North America"

See also

hdel, hexists, hget, hgetall, hincrby, hkeys, hlen, hmget, hmset, hstrlen, hvals