Partial indexes

Explore partial indexes in YugabyteDB using YCQL

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Partial indexes allow you to improve query performance by reducing the index size. A smaller index is faster to scan, easier to maintain, and requires less storage.

Partial indexing works by specifying the rows defined by a conditional expression (called the predicate of the partial index), typically in the WHERE clause of the table.

Partial indexes can be UNIQUE. A UNIQUE partial index enforces the constraint that for each possible tuple of indexed columns, only one row that satisfies the index_predicate is allowed in the table.

A partial index might not be chosen even if the implication holds in cases where there are better query plans.

The logical implication holds if all sub-expressions of the index_predicate are present as is in the where_expression. For example, assume where_expression = A AND B AND C, index_predicate_1 = A AND B, index_predicate_2 = A AND B AND D, index_predicate_3 = A AND B AND C AND D. Then where_expression only implies index_predicate_1.

Currently, valid mathematical implications are not taken into account when checking for logical implication. For example, even if where_expression = x > 5 and index_predicate = x > 4, the SELECT query will not use the index for scanning. This is because the two sub-expressions x > 5 and x > 4 differ.


CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_list) WHERE condition;


Before you start

The examples will run on any YugabyteDB universe.
To create a universe, see Set up YugabyteDB universe.

Create a keyspace and a table as follows:

ycqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE example;
ycqlsh> USE example;
ycqlsh:example> CREATE TABLE orders (customer_id INT,
                                    order_date TIMESTAMP,
                                    product JSONB,
                                    warehouse_id INT,
                                    amount DOUBLE,
                                    PRIMARY KEY ((customer_id), order_date))
                WITH transactions = { 'enabled' : true };

Create a partial index for the warehouse_id column with the expression WHERE warehouse_id < 100 to be able to enable a faster scanning of rows on queries which will benefit from such a search criteria.

ycqlsh:example> CREATE INDEX idx ON orders (warehouse_id)
                WHERE warehouse_id < 100;

When using a prepared statement, the logical implication check (to decide if a partial index is usable) will only consider those sub-expressions of where_expression that don't have dynamic parameters. This is because the query plan is decided before execution (when a statement is prepared).

ycqlsh:example> EXPLAIN SELECT product FROM orders
                WHERE warehouse_id < 100 AND order_date >= ?; // Idx can be used
 Index Scan using temp.idx on temp.orders
   Filter: (order_date >= :order_date)
ycqlsh:example> EXPLAIN SELECT product FROM orders
                WHERE warehouse_id < ? and order_date >= ?; // Idx cannot be used
 Seq Scan on temp.orders
   Filter: (warehouse_id < :warehouse_id) AND (order_date >= :order_date)

Partial indexes with combinations of operators

Without partial indexes, many combinations of operators together on the same column in a SELECT's where expression (for example, WHERE v1 != NULL and v1 = 5) are not allowed.

ycqlsh:example> EXPLAIN SELECT product FROM orders
                WHERE warehouse_id != NULL AND warehouse_id = ?;
SyntaxException: Invalid CQL Statement. Illogical condition for where clause
EXPLAIN SELECT product from orders where warehouse_id != NULL and warehouse_id = ?;
 (ql error -12)

With a partial index that subsumes some clauses of the SELECT's where expression, then two or more operators that would not otherwise be supported together are supported.

ycqlsh:example> CREATE INDEX warehouse_idx ON orders (warehouse_id)
                WHERE warehouse_id != NULL;
ycqlsh:example> EXPLAIN SELECT product FROM orders
                WHERE warehouse_id != NULL AND warehouse_id = ?; // warehouse_idx can be used
 Index Scan using temp.warehouse_idx on temp.orders
   Key Conditions: (warehouse_id = :warehouse_id)

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