Issuing "commit" in user-defined subprograms and anonymous blocks

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

This section states the restrictions that govern the use of "commit" and other transaction control statements in user-defined subprograms (and, by extension, in anonymous blocks). It then makes a practical recommendation almost always to invoke a user-defined subprogram using single statement automatic transaction mode. See these two sections:

When you should invoke a user-defined subprogram within an ongoing explicitly started transaction.

Notice the use of "almost always" in the recommendation. There are very rare exceptions where this recommendation defeats the larger aim. A compelling example is shown in the section Using the "hard-shell" approach to separate the code that opens a cursor from the code that fetches the rows.

Finally, it demonstrates all of the restrictions with code examples.

Restrictions that govern the use of "commit" in user-defined subprograms

The examples at the end of this section show that "commit" will cause a run-time error under these circumstances:

  • In any language sql subprogram—procedure or function.
  • In any language plpgsql function.
  • In any language plpgsql procedure that has security definer.
  • In any language plpgsql procedure that has security invoker and whose header includes a set attribute (like, for example, set search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp).
  • In any language plpgsql procedure that has security invoker and whose header does not include a set attribute, within the executable section of a block statement (at any level of nesting) that has an exception section.
  • In any language plpgsql procedure that has security invoker, whose header does not include a set attribute, whose procedural code does not include an exception section, and that is called from the client in multistatement manual transaction mode—i.e. within an explicitly issued begin; ... commit; transaction.

(These restrictions apply, in fact, to the use of any transaction control statement.)

Make sure that you have read and understood the section The transaction model for top-level SQL statements. When a user-defined procedure is invoked by a call statement and when a user-defined function is invoked as a term in an expression in any SQL statement that allows this, the invocation, tautologically, is done within the context of an already ongoing transaction:

  • either the statement that invokes the subprogram is issued when there is no ongoing transaction—and so this initiates single statement automatic transaction mode, which lasts for the duration of the subprogram invocation;
  • or the statement that invokes the subprogram is issued when a transaction has been manually started and multistatement manual transaction mode is therefore ongoing.

This holds, too, if the client has turned on its client-side so-called autocommit mode. However, if you follow the recommendation Simply avoid using any client-side 'autocommit' feature, then you will never have to consider this possibility.

Avoid invoking user-defined subprograms in multistatement manual transaction mode.

The overwhelmingly common practice is to invoke a user-defined subprogram in single statement automatic transaction mode—and to let the final implicit commit that the system adds look after the persistence (or rollback, in the case of error). The point is that these two alternatives:

  • either using multistatement manual transaction mode to encapsulate ordinary top-level SQL statements
  • or invoking a user-defined subprogram (which might invoke other user-defined subprograms) in single statement automatic transaction mode

both achieve the same thing. Each ultimately invokes several "leaf" SQL statements (i.e. statements that do not invoke user-defined subprograms) within a single transaction—and so using both mechanisms together achieves no more that using just one of them by itself.

If you are convinced that you have a use case for invoking two or more user-defined subprograms, separately, using multistatement manual transaction mode rather than invoking them from a user-defined subprogram dedicated to that purpose, then you should explain the reasoning for this in the design documentation.

Code examples that demonstrate the restrictions

To run these tests, connect to a sandbox database as an ordinarily privileged user and start by re-creating and dropping the schema s. The examples use fully qualified identifiers to emphasize the point that it's, in general, unsafe to rely on unqualified identifiers in top-level SQL because these are resolved according to the reigning session-level search_path and this is vulnerable to manipulation (innocent or otherwise) by client-side code. See the section Name resolution within top-level SQL statements. All of the examples rely on a table created thus:

create table s.t(k serial primary key, v int not null);

All restrictions are met so the 'commit' succeeds

create procedure s.p_ok(v_in in int)
  security invoker
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
call s.p_ok(17);
select k, v from s.t;

Both the create and the call statements complete without error and the select produces the expected result:

 k | v  
 1 | 17

Notice, though, that the outcome is indistinguishable from what it would have been without the commit. You might see blog posts that recommend implementing a procedure that inserts a huge amount of data from a staging table (with no constraints) into the ultimate destination table which has constraints that dirty data might violate. The idea is that the ingesting procedure would execute a loop that uses a suitably parameterize between predicate to ingest, and commit the data in manageable batches. The thinking is that if dirty input data causes an error, at least the data that has been committed to date is safely ingested. However, this is in general a feeble idea because the procedure can't include an exception section to detect when an error occurs, record that outcome somewhere, and then move on to the next batch. Furthermore, the vastness of the task suggests parallelizing the ingestion. This is easily done with a suitable client-side language like, say, Java that allows multithreading of several database sessions—and here single statement automatic transaction mode using a procedure with formal arguments for the between bounds with an exception section but with no commit meets the requirement nicely.

Break "p_ok()" by calling it from within an ongoing transaction that the client started

start transaction;
call s.p_ok(42);

This causes the expected 2D000 error:

invalid transaction termination

Here, like with many of the negative examples, the error message gives you no clue about why your attempt is deemed to be illegal. You need to know the rules in advance by having studied this (or the PostgreSQL) documentation.

Break "p_ok()" by including an "exception" section in one of its block statements

drop procedure if exists s.p_bad(int) cascade;
create procedure s.p_bad(v_in in int)
  security invoker
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
  when not_null_violation then
    raise info '"not_null_violation" handled.';
call s.p_bad(42);

The create statement succeeds but the call statement fails with the 2D000: error:

cannot commit while a subtransaction is active

Now try this, deliberately to provoke the not_null_violation error:

call s.p_bad(null::int);

This is the outcome:

INFO:  00000: "not_null_violation" handled.

just as you'd hoped for this scenario. You get this outcome, of course, because the point of execution never gets to the illegal commit statement. The net effect, though, is that your design concept, here, isn't viable. However, you can get what is presumably the intended behavior simply by omitting the commit statement and by relying on autocommit to do the commit (or to issue rollback if an unhandled error escapes from the call). The upshot is that you are able to implement the popular approach that catches and detects exceptions and that:

  • either generates a helpful response when the exception is regrettable but nevertheless expected (like unique_violation on inserting a colliding natural key ("This nickname is taken. Please try another one").
  • or logs all the context information into an incidents table and returns the autogenerated incident number to the client when the exception is unexpected. Here, any effect that the block statement might have had to date is automatically rolled back when the exception is handled and than autocommit will now commit the new incidents row.) Of course, this paradigm requires that the exception section is placed at the end of the subprogram's outermost block. You can see this approach in action in the "hard-shell" case study in the file 60-install-api.sql

This limitation does bring one serious practical consequence. Some errors are provoked only by commit. The canonical example is a serialization error. You might want to hide all the details of this behind a hard-shell API by implementing a retry loop within the language plpgsql subprogram that does the operation that might cause the serialization error. But this is simply not possible. Rather, you must implement such retry logic in client code.

YugabyteDB will presently implement retry for serialization errors and similar transparently.

If you have this use-case, you should ask on the YugabyteDB public Slack channel to find out the current status of the automatic retry feature.

Break "p_ok()" by including "set search_path" in its header

Try this:

drop procedure if exists s.p_bad(int) cascade;
create procedure s.p_bad(v_in in int)
  set search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp
  security invoker
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
call s.p_bad(17);

The create statement succeeds. But the call statement fails with the 2D000 error (invalid transaction termination). The point here is that the semantics of set search_path in the header require that the reigning value of the run-time parameter (search_path is just an example here) at the moment before the call must be restored on call completion. The PostgreSQL documentation doesn't explain how the save-and-restore is done. But whatever is the internal mechanism, it would be subverted if the subprogram were to do its own explicit commit.

There is a viable workaround: simply use set local search_path = ... (or the equivalent for a different run-time parameter). This has the significant disadvantage that, because it's done with ordinary user-written code rather than declaratively, it's not visible in the pg_proc.proconfig catalog table column. This makes it hard to police a set of subprograms (especially to do this programmatically) to ensure that a particular defined practice rule is followed.

Break "p_ok()" by changing it to a function

Try this:

drop function if exists s.f_bad(int) cascade;
create function s.f_bad(v_in in int)
  returns text
  security invoker
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
  return 'success';
select s.f_bad(42);

The create statement succeeds. But the select statement fails with the 2D000 error (invalid transaction termination). This arguably represents no practical problem because a function ought not to make data changes. If you want to report a status, you should use a procedure with an inout formal argument.

Break "p_ok(): by changing it to "security definer"

Try this:

drop procedure if exists s.p_bad(int) cascade;
create procedure s.p_bad(v_in in int)
  security definer
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
call s.p_bad(17);

The create statement succeeds. But the call statement fails with the 2D000 error (invalid transaction termination). This is a significant restriction because the canonical use case (see the section Why use user-defined subprograms?) calls for the security definer choice.

Break "p_ok(): by changing it to language sql

Try this:

drop procedure if exists s.p_bad(int) cascade;
create procedure s.p_bad(v_in in int)
  security invoker
  language sql
as $body$
  insert into s.t(v) values(v_in);
call s.p_bad(17);

The create statement succeeds. But the call statement fails with the 0A000 error:

COMMIT is not allowed in a SQL function

The wording ("function" and not "procedure") survives from the pre-Version 11 era of PostgreSQL when user-defined procedures were not yet supported. (You'll see this use of "function" where "procedure" is the correct choice in other contexts too.) But the meaning, here, is clear. Of course it's also the case that a genuine user-defined language sql function cannot commit--for two reasons: it's language sql and it's a function.