This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.


Use the CREATE TYPE statement to create a user-defined type in a database. There are five types: composite, enumerated, range, base, and shell. Each has its own CREATE TYPE syntax.


create_type ::= create_composite_type
                | create_enum_type
                | create_range_type
                | create_shell_type
                | create_base_type

create_composite_type ::= CREATE TYPE type_name AS ( 
                          [ composite_type_elem [ , ... ] ] )

create_enum_type ::= CREATE TYPE type_name AS ENUM ( 
                     [ name [ , ... ] ] )

create_range_type ::= CREATE TYPE type_name AS RANGE  ( SUBTYPE = 
                      subtype [ , range_type_option [ ... ] ] )

create_shell_type ::= CREATE TYPE type_name

create_base_type ::= CREATE TYPE type_name (  INPUT = input_function , 
                      OUTPUT = output_function 
                     [ , base_type_option [ ... ] ]  )

composite_type_elem ::= attribute_name data_type [ COLLATE collation ]

range_type_option ::= SUBTYPE_OPCLASS = subtype_operator_class
                      | COLLATION = collation
                      | CANONICAL = canonical_function
                      | SUBTYPE_DIFF = subtype_diff_function

base_type_option ::= RECEIVE = receive_function
                     | SEND = send_function
                     | TYPMOD_IN = type_modifier_input_function
                     | TYPMOD_OUT = type_modifier_output_function
                     | INTERNALLENGTH = { internallength | VARIABLE }
                     | PASSEDBYVALUE
                     | ALIGNMENT = alignment
                     | STORAGE = storage
                     | LIKE = like_type
                     | CATEGORY = category
                     | PREFERRED = { TRUE | FALSE }
                     | DEFAULT = default_type_value
                     | ELEMENT = element
                     | DELIMITER = delimiter
                     | COLLATABLE = { TRUE | FALSE }




















The order of options in creating range types and base types does not matter. Even the mandatory options SUBTYPE, INPUT, and OUTPUT may appear in any order.









  • type_name specifies the name of this user-defined type.
  • attribute_name specifies the name of an attribute for this composite type.
  • data_type specifies the type of an attribute for this composite type.
  • collation specifies the collation to use for this type. In case this is a composite type, the attribute data type must be collatable. In case this is a range type, the subtype must be collatable.
  • label specifies a quoted label to be a value of this enumerated type.
  • subtype specifies the type to use for this range type.
  • subtype_operator_class specifies the operator class to use for the subtype of this range type.
  • canonical_function specifies the canonical function used when converting range values of this range type to a canonical form.
  • subtype_diff_function specifies the subtype difference function used to take the difference between two range values of this range type.
  • input_function specifies the function that converts this type's external textual representation to internal representation.
  • output_function specifies the function that converts this type's internal representation to external textual representation.
  • receive_function specifies the function that converts this type's external binary representation to internal representation.
  • send_function specifies the function that converts this type's internal representation to external binary representation.
  • type_modifier_input_function specifies the function that converts this type modifier's external textual representation to internal integer typmod value or throws an error.
  • type_modifier_output_function specifies the function that converts this type modifier's internal integer typmod value to external representation.
  • internallength specifies the size in bytes of this type.
  • alignment specifies the storage alignment of this type.
  • storage specifies the storage strategy of this type. This type must be variable length.
  • like_type specifies the type to copy over the INTERNALLENGTH, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT, and STORAGE values from.
  • category specifies the category code for this type.
  • PREFERRED specifies whether this type is preferred for implicit casts in the same category.
  • default specifies the default value of this type.
  • element Implies that the type being created is an array; this specifies the type of the array elements.
  • delimiter specifies the character used to separate array elements in the external textual representation of values of this type.
  • COLLATABLE specifies whether collation information may be passed to operations that use this type.


Composite type

yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE feature_struct AS (id INTEGER, name TEXT);
yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE feature_tab_struct (feature_col feature_struct);

Enumerated type

yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE feature_enum AS ENUM ('one', 'two', 'three');
yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE feature_tab_enum (feature_col feature_enum);

Range type

yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE feature_range AS RANGE (subtype=INTEGER);
yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE feature_tab_range (feature_col feature_range);

Base type

yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE int4_type;
yugabyte=# CREATE FUNCTION int4_type_in(cstring) RETURNS int4_type
               LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE AS 'int4in';
yugabyte=# CREATE FUNCTION int4_type_out(int4_type) RETURNS cstring
               LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE AS 'int4out';
yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE int4_type (
               INPUT = int4_type_in,
               OUTPUT = int4_type_out,
               LIKE = int4
yugabyte=# CREATE TABLE int4_table (t int4_type);

Shell type

yugabyte=# CREATE TYPE shell_type;

See also