Character data types

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.


Character-based data types are used to specify data of a string of Unicode characters.

Data type Description
CHAR Character string of 1 byte
CHAR (n) Character string of fixed-length (n) and blank padded
CHARACTER (n) Character string of fixed-length (n) and blank padded
CHARACTER VARYING (n) Character string of variable-length with maximum limit (n)
VARCHAR (n) Character string of variable-length with maximum limit (n)
VARCHAR Character string of variable and unlimited length
TEXT Character string of variable and unlimited length


text_literal ::= "'" [ '' | letter ...] "'"


  • Single quote must be escaped as ('').
  • letter is any character except for single quote ([^']).
  • Character-based data types can be part of the PRIMARY KEY.
  • Value of character data type are convertible and comparable to non-text data types.